Why Write About Woke Ideology?

Why crusade against Woke ideology in our schools and our society? Why write a book and put yourself out there for people to criticize you and for people to disagree with you?

I guess the answer starts with the fact that I'm a parent.  I'm not an educator.  I'm not a debutant.  I'm not an elite. I'm a parent who put two children through the local public school system here in rural Maine and then through college in other New England states.

Hearing about some of their experiences in both high school and college made me realize that things have changed since I was in school–a lot! I think one of the reasons why a lot of people don't realize the problem with college or what has happened to Academia is that they still have their image of college– the way it was when they were in school. People may think, “Maybe it's a little different today… maybe they're carrying laptops even though we carried books;  maybe they're listening to different music; maybe some other things are a little different but it's essentially the same experience.” But I’ve learned that it’s not. 

Listening to Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point, USA, woke me up out of this dream: He made the statement that the college educational experience is completely different than when he went to school; when I looked him up online and saw that he had only been out of college for 12 years (12 years!)–there he was talking about his college experience in the early 2000s and how it has nothing to do with the college experience of today.  Then I thought– “Wait a minute, I went to high school in the early 80s and college in the late eighties; maybe it may have changed more than a bit since I was last there.” This got me interested in learning just how much things have changed and got me started on my research.

As a parent, I also noticed hearing little things here and there that my kids were learning that I didn't necessarily agree with. It kind of jolted me: it wasn’t just kids in the Bay Area in California or in New York City who were learning these things, but now my kids were learning these things in my local school system. It was a wake up call.

I went to a parent-teacher meeting when my son was in high school and met his writing teacher.  She was actually a very good teacher and a very nice woman. However, she admired Chez Guevara (the Argentine Marxist revolutionist) so much that she named her son Chez. She had explained to the class a few details about why she named him that, but I was left thinking that she didn’t know the whole story behind the real Chez Guevara: I thought that was interesting that she had taken the time to teach a whole class on being accepting of people that had made different life choices like being gay versus being straight, among other things. But what she didn’t apparently know is that in addition to the beliefs she obviously admired were a few details she didn’t know:  Chez Guevara never met a homosexual that he didn't kill; that's right he killed hundreds of gay people during his revolutionary days. She probably meant well, but she didn’t present the entire picture; she probably didn’t know all the facts herself.

Like glossing over Chez Guevara’s clear faults, I see our children being misled as opposed to being educated. .I see their minds being closed instead of being opened. They aren’t being presented with all the facts and then taught HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. To be honest, when I first observed this I had no idea what to do about it:  I'm a parent, and I’m just ONE  parent. What could I do?

I wasn’t really sure if anyone else was feeling what I was feeling or if anyone else was seeing what I was seeing and so I kind of just put it in the back of my mind and didn't deal with it. 

Then the pandemic happened. I had a busy,  very stressful job and I was traveling all over the place– I was always late for another flight, there was always another meeting to go to… and then suddenly: nothing. 

As the lockdown dragged on, I found myself sitting in my home office and I had my laptop and a zoom account and lots of time to think. Suddenly for the first time in my adult life I had a lot of time and I had a lot of emotional energy to do something not related to my work. So I started researching. 

I saw a meme online that talked about what things that somebody from the '50s wouldn't believe about our modern era. The main response was: Everyone now has a piece of plastic that can access all of the information in all of humanity, but they just use it to take pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers. In reality, the internet is an amazing invention, and we can do a lot more with it.  So there I was in the middle of a pandemic and I was able to read all kinds of literature on how the education system has changed. One article led me to read another article and then I started watching lectures online by famous academics who were very dismayed by what's happening in higher education. They lectured on it and debated other academics and I started  watching and taking notes

 I  just repeated this over and over: reading these different texts, reading these academic journals, watching these lectures, watching these debates, and absorbing all of this information. At first it was a little overwhelming but then I decided that I would write about this. I saw that many other academics had written about the same subject in serious ways. But one thing that I saw that was missing was a spoof. 

No one was writing a spoof. No one was mocking the absurdity. Many people were frustrated by the absurdity of woke and how it has damaged our education system.

But no one saw these inconsistencies as an opportunity to make somebody laugh.

So that's why I decided to write something that came across as silly– at least on the surface– and ultimately mocked the absurdity of woke. That's how I got to where I am. That's how I got here– how a private person  who usually likes to keep to himself like me is putting myself out there.

It's been said that our country’s founding fathers were the last people in the world that would ever be radicalized. Yet they drafted our Declaration of Independence because they had been radicalized by things that were that the British Empire was doing. 

I'm the last person in the world that could ever be radicalized and here I am doing something radical.  But I feel as though I can't just sit on my hands and let the madness go on. I feel like I need to stand up and do something.

If you feel the same, please follow my blog, please watch my videos, and let me know what you think.

Let's take this journey together. 


Blog Post Four